Nenko Makes Sense 2019
Snoezelen, also called multiple sensory stimulation, is a composition of the words "snuffelen" (explore) and "doezelen" (dozing). Thanks to materials, textures, colours, aromas, sounds, it is an invitation to a sensory journey without constraints of time or rhythm. Snoezelen is not only a supporting process or a listening environment and observation, but above all a state of mind and before all you need to feel it! While moving, feeling, looking, allows to establish good contacts and development. The goal of sensory stimulation is to awaken the attention to the world around you, by stimulating the senses, through your body and the five senses: hearing, smell, sight, taste and to touch. This allows to create a link with the exteriour, which is particularly beneficial for patients whose patholo- gies tend to isolate themselves, like: autism, behavioural disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. Sensory stimulation is known for its positive effects on people with severe mental disabilities. These people are characterized by the fact that it is difficult to communicate with them, with traditional means. Does not rely on verbal communication, snoezelen helps stimulate people with profound autism. The practice of sensory stimulation with seniors, will help them open up and socialise and re-connect with their living environment. Respecting the rhythms, attention, presence, listening and tenderness are important to secure, appease, release emotions, create a connexion and encou- rage to exchange with other seniors. Sensory stimulation is practised in a specially adapted sensory room, to stimulate several senses at once, or rather, to focus only on one sense stimulation adapted to the specific need of the person. The well-being can be enhanced and the curiosity and attention can be stimulated by the multisensory stimulation that is selected according to the preferences of the individual. 10 11