Nenko Makes Sense 2019

1. 2. 4. 5. 1. 3. 2. 2. 3. 4. 1. 1. 2. 3. QUIET ACTIVITY CENTRE ACTIVITY PANELS LARGE DOUBLE SIDED ACTIVITY CENTRE ACTIVITY WALL PANEL MUSIC ACTIVITY CENTRE 13058484 38 x 61 x 25,5 cm 26311484 1. Snow - 50 x 30 x 10 cm 26312484 2. Vibration - 50 x 30 x 10 cm 13183484 76 x 44 x 29 cm 14350484 114 x 71 cm 22000484 46 x 76 x 25 cm This wooden game board can be used on the floor or on the table by two people at the same time. Four different parts on each side such as a rotating mirror and bell. Interactive plates for stimulating the different senses. To be used on the knees, a table, a wheelchair tray or to attach to the wall. Large game board for on the floor or on the table with built-in toys, such as raders, a turntable, a rotating mirror and click clack toys. This board contains 10 different activities for visual, tactile and hearing exercises. It stimulates motor skills, coordination and the senses. Large wooden board with different musical instruments such as a xylophone, beater, bells, etc. Can be placed on the table or on the ground in triangle form. 26315484 3. Aroma - 50 x 30 x 10 cm 26313484 4. Domes - 50 x 30 x 10 cm WALL WHEEL MINI TURNTABLE SPINNING BOARD SOUNDWHEEL BALLFISH ROTATING RAINFALL WHEEL PANEL 70115484 Red-orange - 35 cm 70116484 Blue-green - 35 cm 70112484 1. Waterrad - 25 x 25 cm 70113484 2. Rainmaker - 25 x 25 cm 70114484 3. Labyrinth - 25 x 25 cm 20788484 1. Tumbling Square - 48 cm 20789484 2. Tornado - 48 cm 20782484 48 x 45 x 5 cm 20787484 1. Flower - 48 x 48 x 5 cm 20785484 2. Butterfly - 48 x 48 x 5 cm 20784484 3. Water - 48 x 48 x 5 cm 20786484 4. Labyrinth - 48 x 48 x 5 cm When you turn, the glass beads move and make the sound of a rain shower! The handy size of this turntable encourages touching and moving in a small space. When they are turning, the beads move and make the sound of a rain shower! Turn the board and the square block bounces happily through the panel through the curved edges! Visually appealing and promotes motor and eye hand coordination. The panel contains a wooden spinner for the wall. Visual and auditory - the marbles make it a great visual and auditory experience. Visually attractive by the movement of the marbles and the different heights of the bars and audibly attractive by the different sounds produced by the marbles that bounce against the different bars. Each panel contains a wooden spinner that can be mounted on the wall so that the panel can be rotated gently. The beads make the noise of a rain shower. WALL PANELS 26314484 5. Infinity mirror - 50 x 30 x 10 cm PLAY & DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY PANELS 160 161