Nenko Makes Sense 2019

Sensory integration is the cooperation (integration) between (sensory) detection and the movement (motor skills) of your body. Sensory integration is the process of saving information from the exteriour, to select and connect the different pieces of information and respond appropriately. Sensory integration plays an important role in the warning of danger, concentration and recording of information. Sensory stimulation gives a signal, to draw our attention to this sensory stimulation. What makes that we notice this sensory stimulation and allows us to react. Some sensory stimulation give more signal than others, as, for example, they imply a greater danger. A burning smell differently warns us of the aroma than of freshly made coffee. Some stimulations of detection give a very weak signal. Than our attention is not drawn to the signal, and the stimulation goes unnoticed. Disturbances of sensory integration, is when a stimulation is too strong or too weak, of the senses of touch and balance. The sensory stimulation is than not used in the right way, as a result that people feel too much or not enough movement, are having concentration problems, feel too quickly danger or fear, and have difficulties learning. Sensory therapy can then be an important tool because it teaches the person to receive and process the stimuli properly, so this can lead to positive behavioural changes. It is clear that the feeling to be touched and moved and feel in what position you are in, as well as the moves you make, play an important role in sensory integration. Exercising also has a positive influence on social development and personality. The exercise therapy offers, in addition to exercises, also a best performance of learning. SENSORY INTEGRATION Emotion & Behaviour Communication & Concentration Proprioception Weighted blankets Exercice & Coordination Move & Dance Gross Motor Balance Therapy Throw & Catch Balls Swimming Southpaw Swings 178-179 180-181 182-183 184-185 186-187 188-189 190-191 192-193 194-195 196-197 198-201 202-205 206-209