Fidget & Fringe toys
Restlessness manifest itself in all kinds of behaviour. People start to wander, fidget or pick at their clothes all the time. Compulsive actions, such as fidgeting and picking, are validated in a natural way with the help of our Fruffel products, while simultaneously activating various senses.
Nenko’s Fidget & Fiddle toys
Inspiration for
Fidget Toys were originally designed to provide concentration support. The toys are usually small objects with which you can do endless activities (with your hands). Nowadays, these are increasingly larger objects, such as cushions with fringes, buttons or small clasps. As a user, you will find endless amusement when playing with them.
For many people, fidgeting helps to reduce anxiety, excitement, boredom or frustration. In addition, fidgeting helps many people to overcome concentration problems.
View Nenko's Fidget Toys range. Don't know where to begin with? Then contact Nenko's Customer Service!
For many people, fidgeting helps to reduce anxiety, excitement, boredom or frustration. In addition, fidgeting helps many people to overcome concentration problems.
View Nenko's Fidget Toys range. Don't know where to begin with? Then contact Nenko's Customer Service!
Unfortunately, children, adults and the elderly regularly suffer from stimulus processing problems. These problems often occur in people with autism or ADHD.
Stimulation processing is all sensory information that we receive as a person from our environment, or from your own body. People with stimulus processing problems process this (sensory) information in a different way than people without stimulus processing problems.
When you have trouble processing stimuli, you often receive stimuli unconsciously. If you get too many stimuli, it can cause problems. Common complaints and problems with overstimulation are headaches, fatigue, sleeping problems, restlessness, stress and no longer being the master of your own emotions.
In some people, overstimulation can even be so intense that you can suffer from fever, seizures, vomiting and the loss of parts of the body.
Do you notice that you, your family member, or friend suffers from too much sensory information, or "overstimulation"? Then we recommend that you get acquainted with Fidget Toys!
Stimulation processing is all sensory information that we receive as a person from our environment, or from your own body. People with stimulus processing problems process this (sensory) information in a different way than people without stimulus processing problems.
When you have trouble processing stimuli, you often receive stimuli unconsciously. If you get too many stimuli, it can cause problems. Common complaints and problems with overstimulation are headaches, fatigue, sleeping problems, restlessness, stress and no longer being the master of your own emotions.
In some people, overstimulation can even be so intense that you can suffer from fever, seizures, vomiting and the loss of parts of the body.
Do you notice that you, your family member, or friend suffers from too much sensory information, or "overstimulation"? Then we recommend that you get acquainted with Fidget Toys!
Restlessness manifests itself in all kinds of behaviour... People may start to wander, lose concentration, fidget a lot or pick at their clothes.
Various compulsive actions, such as fidgeting and picking, are validated in a natural way with the help of fidget products, while simultaneously activating various senses!
Various compulsive actions, such as fidgeting and picking, are validated in a natural way with the help of fidget products, while simultaneously activating various senses!
Overstimulation, do you know it? When there is overstimulation, a lot more stimuli come in from the environment than the brain can process. It is common for someone to completely change their behavior during overstimulation. Think of stressful reactions, which can turn into anger or aggression. Fear can also result in stiffening or even create insecurity and cause flight behavior.
To keep the situation desirable (try to), it is possible to use certain play material to seek distraction against the overstimulation. This usually makes the situation a lot more pleasant.
1. Fidget Toys were originally intended to provide distraction and to “play around” with. Usually these are small objects, with which you can do endless activities (with your hands). Nowadays, these are also increasingly larger objects, such as pillows with fringes, buttons or zippers.
2. Proprioceptive Products are important for becoming aware of your body. Proprioceptive feedback provides information about your own body (movement, muscle tension, position, weight, etc.) so that the user's body awareness is developed. Also think of weighted blankets.
3. Chewing jewelry such as a chewing chain is often used for motor development and to practice chewing and biting skills. In addition, teething toys are often used to reduce stress. The tension with the user often decreases as soon as a chewing product is used.
4. With Snoezelen, an appeal is made to the senses of the user (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, proprioceptive and vestibular) to find an entrance into the worlds of the disabled, children or people with dementia. Snoezelen is not only aimed at relaxation and rest, but also at stimulating the senses.
To keep the situation desirable (try to), it is possible to use certain play material to seek distraction against the overstimulation. This usually makes the situation a lot more pleasant.
1. Fidget Toys were originally intended to provide distraction and to “play around” with. Usually these are small objects, with which you can do endless activities (with your hands). Nowadays, these are also increasingly larger objects, such as pillows with fringes, buttons or zippers.
2. Proprioceptive Products are important for becoming aware of your body. Proprioceptive feedback provides information about your own body (movement, muscle tension, position, weight, etc.) so that the user's body awareness is developed. Also think of weighted blankets.
3. Chewing jewelry such as a chewing chain is often used for motor development and to practice chewing and biting skills. In addition, teething toys are often used to reduce stress. The tension with the user often decreases as soon as a chewing product is used.
4. With Snoezelen, an appeal is made to the senses of the user (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, proprioceptive and vestibular) to find an entrance into the worlds of the disabled, children or people with dementia. Snoezelen is not only aimed at relaxation and rest, but also at stimulating the senses.
during the holidays?
Too much stimulation
Too much stimulation during the holidays?
The holidays are not just fun, but can also very exciting! A lot of things are '' different from normal '' which creates tension.
Everyone has an imaginary bucket. Drops of information and incentives fall into that bucket that we cannot immediately find a place for. The bucket is always filled, but when the bucket becomes full, the last drop comes; the drop that makes the bucket overflow. At that moment people get angry, flee or withdraw completely.
Continue reading Nenko's Blog here!
The holidays are not just fun, but can also very exciting! A lot of things are '' different from normal '' which creates tension.
Everyone has an imaginary bucket. Drops of information and incentives fall into that bucket that we cannot immediately find a place for. The bucket is always filled, but when the bucket becomes full, the last drop comes; the drop that makes the bucket overflow. At that moment people get angry, flee or withdraw completely.
Continue reading Nenko's Blog here!

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