Target group
Wall Cushions & Floor Cushions
In some situations, protection is necessary to, among other things, reduce the risk of falling against hard objects, walls or floors. A soft floor or wall cushion can offer a solution in those situations. Nenko has various options for this. A floor cushion can also be seen as a practical solution. Create a sitting or lying surface that is easy to move. In addition, the mats are easy to clean. With both standard products and custom made solutions, there is always a suitable product for your target group.
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Excl. VAT
min € 39 -
max € 1899
Target group

In stock
Wall Cushion Wave 910 WHITE 200x95x5 cm - Bisonyl
€ 405,35 Incl. VAT
€ 335,00 Excl. VAT

In stock
Wall Cushion rounded 910 white 100x95x5cm Bisonyl
€ 252,89 Incl. VAT
€ 209,00 Excl. VAT

In stock
Two folding floormat 200 x 200 x 5 cm - Blue
€ 375,00 Incl. VAT
€ 309,92 Excl. VAT

In stock
Wall cushion rounded white 910 160 x 95 x 5 cm white 910 Bisonyl
€ 345,00 Incl. VAT
€ 285,12 Excl. VAT

Wall cushion rounded 160 x 95 x 5 cm Bisonyl
€ 345,00 Incl. VAT
€ 285,12 Excl. VAT
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